What Size Fibroids Should Be Removed?

Pay Attention to Your Comfort Level

It may be time to consider uterine fibroid embolization if you want to avoid some of the painful symptoms that can arise with larger fibroids. You may also want to seek out treatment if you’re already suffering from some of these symptoms and are seeking relief. Any fibroid that is large enough to be causing pain is large enough to consider treatment.

As fibroids continue to grow, the list of symptoms and complications they can cause tends to grow along with them. Uterine fibroids can range from about the size of a pea to the size of a grapefruit. If you’re concerned about the possibility of fibroids or the size of your fibroids, an imaging test can help determine how large they are, and whether or not you should consider having them addressed.

what size fibroids should be removed

Large, Untreated Fibroids May Burst or Degenerate

When a large fibroid runs out of the blood supply that’s feeding it, the fibroid may shrink or die. This can cause unexpected pain and tenderness in the area due to the chemicals released during cell death.

While it’s not as common, large fibroids may also burst if left untreated. Rather than risk the fibroid bursting or dying on its own in an uncontrolled manner, having a large fibroid professionally treated may help the process be safer and more controlled. Better yet, treating a fibroid while it’s still small can make treatment even more seamless.

Consider Treatment Before the Fibroid Reaches Grapefruit Size

The larger a fibroid is allowed to grow, the more difficult treatment can become. To make treatment as simple and comfortable as possible, you may want to consider treating your fibroids before they reach the size of a grapefruit.

Another reason to seek out treatment before the fibroid gets large is there can be a rare association between large fibroids, and blood clots developing in the lungs.

Large Fibroids May Misshape Your Uterine Lining

One fibroid type is submucosal fibroids, and they develop on the inside of the uterus. When left to grow, these fibroids can eventually begin to misshape the lining of the uterus. This may increase the risk of reproductive issues down the line.

Seeking out treatment before the fibroid is large enough to damage your uterine lining may help protect you from facing additional reproductive issues in the future.

Uterine Fibroid Embolization Quiz

Find out if you’re a candidate for uterine fibroid embolization, a aminimally invasive procedure to treat fibroid tumors of the uterus. Answer a few quetions, get your results, and get in touch with Zenith Health for your consultation!

The fastest and easiest way to get evaluated and treated with Uterine Fibroid Embolization in the Mid South

Find out if you are a candidate for uterine fibroid embolization by scheduling your consultation with Dr. Zeni at Zenith Health and Aesthetics today.